This week in review seemed to be in part about reflecting on veganism–the health impacts for both humans and dogs, the way we negotiate this choice with the people around us, and how this choice may or may not be implemented at all. But this week was also about partaking in the joys of late summer fruit. As I write, in fact, I’m eating what might be one of the last bowls of summer oatmeal (with fresh raspberries and strawberries from the farmers market).
Monday September 12, 2011: Forks Over Knives is a documentary not to be missed. It’s eye-opening and digestible for pretty much any audience. Watch it!
Tuesday September 13, 2011: On Tuesday, I posted about our transitioning our beloved canine friend, Maizy, to a home-cooked vegan diet. Complete with the glowing report from the vet.
Wednesday September 14, 2011: We harvested pears from the tree in our yard and made a big batch of pear sauce. Sadly, it’s already almost gone! Oh, and I made Isa Chandra’s Okra Gumbo, which will now make regular appearances in our roster of go-to meals.
Thursday September 15, 2011: On Thursday I wrote about negotiating veganism with family and friends–a post which I’ve been thinking about for a while. We made blackberry jam on Thursday, which was a bit of a flop as jam goes–it turned out more like a blackberry sauce, which I’m sure will be delicious on some coconut milk ice cream!!
Friday September 16, 2011: Kathy Rudy, professor at Duke, posted an article, which apparently distills her new book, Loving Animals. This post got me quite riled up and caused a bit of a ruckus in the animal studies community. Also this was the one month anniversary of the beginning of the blog!
Saturday September 17, 2011: Nectarine blueberry pie. Need I say more? This turned out to be like eating a slice of heaven. Yum!
Happy weekend! I hope you’re snuggled up cozy somewhere. This weekend is one of the first weekends that truly feels like fall here in Seattle. It’s cool and rainy and I went to sleep last night to the rain falling on the roof. I know all the plants in the garden are just singing with delight at being watered so well by the rain.