Yesterday was another crafting day. We were not quite as productive as we had hoped. I think the magnitude of our planned projects was a bit overwhelming. But we did wrap some of the soap we made, cut out a bunch of fabric for the sewing projects we’re doing, and make mulled wine. I would say the mulled wine was our most successful accomplishment for the day, as we were actually able to finish it and enjoy it and it didn’t turn into a messy tumble of tangled thread and fabric. This would be a lovely holiday thing to make–for Thanksgiving today, or any other fall/wintery holiday. It’s spicy and warming and fun to make. We ended up buying an organic red wine with no sulfites (the headache ingredient in red wine) for $6.99.
The Recipe
1 inexpensive bottle of red table wine
1 orange
8 cloves
6 whole allspice
1 inch fresh ginger root
2 cinnamon sticks
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
Slice the orange in 1/2 inch rounds. Slice the ginger in 1/4 inch slices. Stick the cloves into the orange slices:

Put all ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan and heat on low.

Let heat for 1 hour, but DO NOT BOIL. Boiling it will burn off the alcohol, so unless this is what you’re going for, you want to heat this on a low temperature. We got impatient after about 20 minutes and drank our first glasses then. By the time we were ready for round 2, the wine was much more spicy and the way it should taste. Serve it up and enjoy:

This could easily be made with any variation of these spices.
Okay, off to cook for Thanksgiving. I’ve got the sugar pumpkin in the oven now and I’m waiting for it to cook to puree it for the pumpkin pie. I’m a little disorganized about the cooking today, honestly–I kind of forgot to go grocery shopping and so made a mad dash to the store late last night for a few things. Well, like most of my cooking adventures, I’m hoping the haphazardness of it all will result in a good meal and perhaps even add to its charm.
In the spirit of giving thanks…I’m so thankful for all of the amazing friends and family in my life–human animal and nonhuman animal! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be in school studying the things I’m passionate about and writing and reading about these difficult, but important, issues. And I’m thankful for you, dear readers, who take the time to follow these ramblings. The blog would be nothing without you. I hope you are all safe and warm somewhere, enjoying the day off in whatever way makes you happiest. And for those spending the day in the kitchen, good luck on all of your cooking adventures!