Happy Friday! I hope you all have something fun planned for the weekend. Here in Seattle we’re on a streak of perfect spring weather. It’s been sunny and in the 70s all week. Eric and I have made two trips to the dog park this week, done some yard work and plan to do more this weekend. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing…all around it’s just really nice out.
I’m going to admit to a somewhat embarrassing problem I have. I buy maternity clothes like they’re going out of style. Nope, not pregnant. I just unintentionally come home from thrifting with maternity clothes. Sometimes, I notice in the store that an item is maternity and decide to buy it anyway. Other times I don’t notice until I get home. It’s become a joke with my family and friends. If I ever do get pregnant, my wardrobe is SO prepared! All this to say that today I have a guest post over at The Kind Life on maternity fashion. Check it out. And have a wonderful weekend!