I’ve been having to get creative with my breakfasts since we still do not have any oatmeal. For some reason, we have been in a major cooking rut. This rut not only includes not cooking at all, but it also includes not going to the grocery store. Luckily, we’ve got grains in the pantry, and so I’ve had quinoa for breakfast quite a few times, then I moved onto a combination of quinoa and millet (per my Aunt Jere’s suggestion), which was delicious. On Wednesday, we went to the vegetable stand to get some vegetables and fruit–mostly because Maizy needed her broccoli and butternut squash for her meals and yams (for dehydrated yam treats). We stocked up on bananas and lots of vegetables. This morning, I dug around in our big miscellaneous dry food drawer and found some of Bob’s Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal which, at the risk of sounding dorky, is ‘mighty tasty’! It’s a mixture of brown rice, corn, buckwheat and sorghum. Gluten-free! I decided to coat some sliced banana in some toasted grated coconut, and fry/grill it up in a little coconut oil. Then I added some pecans. Delish! The banana was warm, creamy and caramelized with the crunch of the toasty coconut on the outside. This would be a great topping for oatmeal, too, if only we had some…But it did remind me how much I love Bob’s Red Mill’s hot cereal.
The Recipe
Serves 1-2
1-2 servings of hot cereal or oatmeal, prepared according to directions on package
1 banana, peeled and sliced
~2 Tbls grated toasted coconut
1 tsp or less coconut oil
handful of pecans, chopped
Cook cereal according to its directions. While the cereal is cooking, slice the bananas. Pour the grated coconut onto a plate and dip the bananas in the coconut, getting a little coconut to stick to each banana slice. Heat a griddle or frying pan with the coconut oil on medium-high heat. When the pan is hot, lay the sliced bananas into pan, and cook until lightly browned, flipping them over to cook both sides (about 3-5 minutes per side). Chop the pecans. Serve the hot cereal in a bowl and top with the bananas and pecans. Enjoy!