Thoughts on ‘Animals Make Us Human’

  No time for a post yesterday–I was reading the last of Animals Make Us Human, by Temple Grandin before heading off to a workshop with her at the University of Washington. This was a very unique opportunity to sit down in a room with no more than a dozen people and engage in a […]


Thanksgiving can be stressful for vegans and nonvegans alike when the the question of what to eat comes up. For many people in the U.S., Thanksgiving has been tied, for generations, to the preparation and consumption of a turkey. Becoming vegan, particularly for ethical reasons, challenges this tradition and can result in a range of discomfort. Some family […]

Will Potter in Portland, OR

I had the pleasure of going with Eric and my dad earlier this year to hear Will Potter speak at the lovely Elliott Bay Bookstore on Capital Hill in Seattle. The event at Elliott Bay was intimate and Potter was intelligent, thought-provoking and politically on point. Potter is a journalist whose latest book, Green is […]

‘Exotic’ Animals Hunted in Ohio

I’m sure many of you have already heard about the hunting down and killing of ‘wild’ animals who had been let loose by their keeper, Terry Thompson, earlier this week. Thompson apparently kept upwards of fifty animals, including lions, tigers, cheetahs, wolves, giraffes, camels, and bears on his property in Zanesville, Ohio. On Tuesday, he […]

Walk for Farmed Animals- Please Help!

A while back I posted about the Walk for Farmed Animals I’m participating in. I’ve been fundraising a lot and have reach 50% of my goal of $1000. There are just over two weeks until the walk on October 23rd and I’m determined to reach my goal to help formerly farmed animals at Farm Sanctuary. Particularly after […]

Dairy Cows Slaughtered to Drive Up Milk Prices

Last week, there was a bit of a media flurry about a very significant lawsuit against Cooperatives Working Together (CWT), an organization of many of the big dairy companies (including Land O Lakes). Filed by Seattle law firm Hagans Berman Sogol Shapiro, the suit accuses California dairy producers of slaughtering 500,000 healthy dairy cows in […]

West Hollywood Bans Fur

Some interesting news this week. On Tuesday morning, the city council of West Hollywood voted unanimously to ban the sale of fur. This is the first city in the United States to implement such a ban. Apparently, it will go into effect in June 2012 after the city council meets a second time to hammer out […]

“Loving Animals?” – Responses to Kathy Rudy

There is an interesting division in the animal studies field of academics and activists. Most animal studies folks agree that studying animals is important and that we should engage in a renewed consideration of animals in our ethical and political formulations. However, the way animal studies scholars and activists approach the ‘question of the animal’ varies considerably. […]